We were inspired.
I recently emailed our customers asking for help in deciding what AudioFuel to make next.
The last question on our survey asked:
“Share with us a PB, a proud moment, or your year-to-date training stats, and we'll pick two winners, a man and a woman who's story inspires us to get out and run. Each will get a lovely AudioFuel T-Shirt, and a DVD, with every AudioFuel session we have ever made - Including a few exclusive mixes we have never sold”
You submitted 525 responses, to see all 334 of them look here...
Thanks so much, speechless. - Sean
Interval Training - A visual overview
Easy sessions look like the graph on the left, hard sessions are denser, like the hardcore graph on the right. Grrr.
Interval training gives really good bang for buck. A short session can give your metabolism a boost which is great for those looking to stay trim. For those wanting to run faster, intervals give fixed periods of fast tempo running.
Pyramid 180 MAX
At 22 minutes, this is the shortest and least intense of our intervals sessions. The efforts go from 30 seconds to 90 seconds and the fastest cadence is 180 BPM. Each effort has a 60 second recovery. This is our most popular intervals session, and a great place to start if you're new to intervals.
Power Up 2012
As the graph shows, this is another pyramid session that alternates run tempo between 160 and 180 BPM, at 32 minutes long, it's a good step up from Pyramid 180 MAX. There's a 20 minute version too.
Run Faster 1
With Run Faster 1 the work intervals are longer at 2, 3 and 4 minutes at 175 or 180 BPM. You get shorter recoveries and the two tiny spikes at the end are 30 second 'stride' or 'pick ups'. It's a great session, for beginning to add sustained pace.
3 Step Intervals
As the graph shows, Martin's 3 Step intervals gives three, increasingly fast intervals, all at the the same duration of 3 minutes. Longer recoveries give time to be ready to work hard in the next interval, and Martin's excellent coaching helps you hold good form and fast pace, especially when it feels hard.
Run Faster 2
Chrissie's second Run Faster is 40 minutes long. You'll see from the denser graph the work to recovery ratio is high. The longest interval is 5 minutes at 180 BPM.
Run Faster 3
The hardest of Chrissie's sessions is 52 minutes long. The longest interval is 6 minutes at 180 BPM. She brings her own brilliant coaching style to this hard session.
Run Cruize Intervals
Respected triathlon coach Joe Friel designed a 60 minute interval training program to help improve speed, develop muscular endurance and increase aerobic capacity.
It includes a technique class to help develop good running form, and the longer intervals promote a fast mid foot cadence of between 175 and 180 steps per minute.
A UK Wide Inactivity Crisis
"Changing the health of the nation through physical activity”
This is a horrifying statistic:
Wow. "1 in 4 uk adults completely inactive". Fred Turok #ukactivesummit @_ukactive @DavidStalker
— AudioFuel (@AudioFuel) November 7, 2013
But seen within a context where inactivity could break the bank and cease the NHS as-we-know-it, it’s an even more scary prospect.
Could Physical inactivity costing £10bn a year break the NHS? Fred Turok #ukactivesummit @_ukactive
— AudioFuel (@AudioFuel) November 7, 2013
And thus the scene was set at the UK Active Summit today.
There was plenty more horrifying evidence that large parts of UK population, at all ages, is heading for disaster. Consider this:
#ukactivesummit @_ukactive low cardio respitory fitness a bigger cause of death than obesity smoking hypertension pic.twitter.com/fIUeqPFNWD
— AudioFuel (@AudioFuel) November 7, 2013
And so now, in 2013, we’ve arrived at a place when inactivity is worse than smoking, alcohol, obesity, cholesterol or hypertension as a cause of death.
The only thing (from my perspective) worse than that awful fact, was David Cameron’s ‘delighted’ support for UK Active’s mission.
Last night he offered the following quote (zoom in, it’s worth it):
So apparently the PM agrees. #ukactivesummit pic.twitter.com/Vr2t7T6ghw
— AudioFuel (@AudioFuel) November 7, 2013
But I’m afraid I don’t believe his rhetoric. I don’t see or hear the evidence that shows the PM or other senior political leaders get this issue at all.
I have to say though today, Andy Burnham MP impressed me.
His address to the congress had a quality of honesty, authenticity and ambition that made me feel he’s understood the problem at hand. Really, he was brilliant. And to be clear, I’m not a signed up member of the Labour party (or much of a fan of politics in general).
@andyburnhammp Secretary of Skill. Truthful, believable & important words. Brilliant. #ukactivesummit @_ukactive pic.twitter.com/gc9xBtnzCM
— AudioFuel (@AudioFuel) November 7, 2013
Which is important as Professor David Walker, the deputy chief medical officer for England reminded us:
Physical inactivity is expensive. #ukactivesummit @_ukactive @NHSChoices pic.twitter.com/HYcCs7Zh5S
— AudioFuel (@AudioFuel) November 7, 2013
So what’s the solution? Turns out to be exercise and partnership.
Exercise. Wonder drug. #ukactivesummit @_ukactive pic.twitter.com/b01HPlqwNR
— AudioFuel (@AudioFuel) November 7, 2013
So I’m putting out a plea, from a small business with a loyal following that’s punching way under its potential weight in helping address this issue.
Please partner with AudioFuel and bring this kind of magic to the UK population.
I’d like to thank UK Active. I wasn’t as aware of the inactivity crisis as am now, and the campaign to get More People, More Active More Often is Brilliant, I’m now seeking ways for AudioFuel to be a bigger part of the solution.
The goal of the #ukactivesummit more people more active more often. Brilliant @_ukactive @ProMeetings pic.twitter.com/tAU9ZYxn87
— AudioFuel (@AudioFuel) November 7, 2013
Well done @_ukactive . Brilliant summit. Thanks so much. Turn the tide of inactivity. More people. More active. More often. #ukactivesummit
— AudioFuel (@AudioFuel) November 7, 2013
Tips from Swimming Lesson
Photo (C) http://wodumedia.com/ - The lessons are not this frenetic, or snowy.
This year my swimming has improved. A bit.
The best measure (starting from a very low base) is my swim time of 41 mins for the 1.9k swim leg of Mallorca 70.3 Ironman triathlon.
Last year I took 49 minutes to cover that distance.
But the truth is this summer, for no reason I can really understand, my swimming confidence dropped. I swam little, and my swim fitness bombed.
London Fields Triathlon Club (LFTC)
So this week I signed up for the 6 week swim technique class offered by LFTC, coached by Rob Popper, to begin my end of season training, with the hope that next year, I might be able to maintain a steady 2 mins per 100m in any water, with or without a wetsuit.
I’d LOVE to be able to do an Olympic distance 1500m swim in open water sub 30 mins, or better.
Week 1 Insights
I took four insights from week one.
1. Streamlining - Imagine “swimming through a pipe” to help keep a streamlined profile, and stop drag inducing wide legs.
2. Leg Kick - Try to activate gluteus, think “whole leg flutter kick”, kick powered from the gluteus, not the knees.
3. Breathing - The coach said, “You breathe continuously when you run, as you should when you swim”. So breathe out continuously and fully exhale before the inhale.
4. Activate your core muscles, to hold a streamlined position and keep your legs up
Much work to do...
I don’t think I naturally do any of these.
Last night I noticed I held my breath, I know I have a wild kick, and I never have time to think about my core when there’s so much else to think about.
But I plan to practice these ideas three times before next weeks lesson, and I’ll let you know next week how I’m getting on.
Money Back Guarantee
If you buy AudioFuel and find it doesn’t help you train well, or it's too fast or too slow, or you just don't like it, email Contact@AudioFuel.co.uk and ask for a swap or a refund. We'll refund you right away.
We can't refund money you have spent with Apple but we’ll swap a session even if you bought it from them.